Southwest Location!
Auto Collision Service
5717 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Ph: 260-436-4366
Hanna Street!
Auto Collision Service
5208 S. Hanna St.
Ph: 260-744-1101
Auto Collision Service
2 Locations!
Auto Collision Service
5717 W. Jefferson
Ph: 260-436-4366
Hanna Street!
Auto Collision Service
5208 S. Hanna St.
Ph: 260-744-1101

Accidents happen, and that’s why we’re here.
Accidents happen to everyone. So we are here to help make a frustrating situation easier. Whether the damage to your vehicle is a small dent or a broken bumper, Auto Collision Service is the place to go for quality local auto repair. Since 1956, we have served the Fort Wayne area with our experienced auto technicians and painters, and continue to provide excellent service in the repair industry. If you have any questions, call us at one of our locations! We will gladly explain the repair or insurance process.
Auto Collision Service is proud to be a Gold Class collision repair business.
Auto Collision Service is proud to be a Gold Class® collision repair business. The Gold Class recognition indicates that our technicians are trained in the proper repair techniques and procedures that contribute to the complete and safe repair of your vehicle.
As a Gold Class shop, we require each of our technicians involved in collision repair to take ongoing training every year. This includes classes on new vehicle technologies and the latest repair techniques.
Auto Collision Service is among only 15 percent of collision repair businesses to achieve Gold Class status, whereas shops that are not Gold Class may train minimally or not at all. Gold Class shops are trained on how to fix your vehicle right; on what can be repaired and what needs to be replaced; and on how to see hidden damage you may not see.
Two out of three people find a repair shop by talking to friends or relatives. Don’t take chances. Refer your friends and family to Auto Collision Service and let our trained repair professionals take care of them today!

5717 W. Jefferson Blvd
Ft. Wayne, IN 46804
Ph: (260) 436-4366

Hanna Street
5208 S. Hanna St.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46806
Ph: (260) 744-1101

Contact Us
M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Jefferson
M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Hanna